My Favorite Etsy Shops

I love selling on Etsy. I had no idea how rewarding it would be. I really thought I would add a few items on a Saturday afternoon and that I would make a few sales, I could not have been more wrong. Etsy is a wonderful community! Everyone I have met has been so sweet and so helpful, so willing to share what they have learned and what has worked for them. I spend so much time on Etsy, probably more than I should! But I have found some really cool shops that I wanted to tell everyone about!

How cute are these precious peg dolls by 2 Hearts Desire? And she has more than peg dolls, she has the cutest rattles, building blocks and tub toys!

I love Etsy’s vintage shops. I could (and sadly have) sit for hours just searching through the vintage section. Dalena Vintage is probably my favorite vintage clothing store on Etsy. Every single piece is breathtaking! I also follow her on instagram. If I was getting married now I would probably get a gown from her, they are just perfect!

Oh Soo Kim Studio, you get me every time. Her art was meant for me! The bright colors AND Twiggy!!! She has Audrey, Coco, Marilyn and Lucille Ball to name a few!

I L.O.V.E Proper Hunt. Not only does this shop have fabulous vintage jewelry (see what I mean!!!) the prices are unbelievable! I don’t even know how they do it to be honest. These for instance are only $44!!! SOLD!

Let’s go back to this post from the other day and then check out Pencil Shavings Studio, who wouldn’t want to load up a back pack with all these goodies?!?! Don’t you love the washi tape???


And I saved the best for last. Now I must say I am a bit partial to this shop since she is family, but Cary’s cousin’s wife Dana has Piece. Her earrings are so cool! These are the two pair I currently have and love and wear ALL THE TIME!!!

What are you favorite shops? I am always looking for fun new shops especially when Christmas gets closer!!

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