
Anyone know how I feel? I have sat down so many times in the last month intending to blog and thought, the dishes need to be done, clothes need to be washed, oh did I put the trash out, it’s just been one of those months. Our son, God love him, is the perfect most wonderful gift we have every received but Lord have mercy does he hate to sleep. We hired Pam Edwards, a sleep consultant, in January and she was a God send! I honestly believe Cary and I would been in a mental hospital by now if we had not worked with Pam. We were getting up 10-12 times a night and he was not napping AT ALL, not one nap all day long. You can see my frustration I’m sure. Well we got on track and have been doing much better but our bundle of joy still wakes at least once, sometimes twice and does have days where he is just too busy to nap. So basically I’ve had one of those months where I just can’t keep up.

Do you ever feel that way, that you are basically treading water, scraping by with the bare minimum? Well I plan to make this blog a priority. I love the feedback, I love sharing what makes me happy and LOVE seeing when it makes other people happy!

It’s the little things right? Yesterday a soda exploded in the freezer, everywhere. I was of course completely frustrated because I had about an hour to get some things done but had to stop what I was doing to clean it out. Well it was a blessing. I had breast milk in the freezer from 9 months ago that emotionally I could not throw away even though it wasn’t even usable, and I broke down and did it! That freezer is so clean and sparkly and when I felt a bit more overwhelmed yesterday (only about 1250 more times) I just opened that freezer, looked at my finished project and breathed a sigh of relief! SOMETHING WAS ACCOMPLISHED!!!!

Thanks for letting me vent……………….stay tuned, we are having an amazing pizza tonight I just can’t wait to share!!!

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